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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Good poster, crap poster #1: Rom-Coms

I love movie posters. Correction: I love good movie posters. Posters that are eye-catching, carry across the theme of the movie with a few simple visual cues, inventive and not too busy. I'll be taking a look at some and comparing posters from particular genres.


Okay, this isn't exactly one that should be wall-mounted or anything like that, but it's a clever use of the screen credits and inventive enough to get around the fact that you have Katherine Heigl in the movie. Plus there's no annoying tagline, other than the "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride" which is tastefully woven into her credit-dress. Simple, clean, effective.


Visually I suppose it's a bit striking (what with the violent-yellow theme going on) but otherwise this is pretty rubbish. First, you have Lindsay Lohan, which is enough of a sin, and she's pretty badly Photoshopped in this one (and that has to be a stunt-arse, to boot). I suppose it presents the theme of the movie pretty clearly (I'm guessing that she's either pregnant or pretending to be pregnant - I don't much care which) but it in no way compels me to want to see the film (okay, it's a chick-flick, sure, but faced with this one and the poster above, I'd much rather see 27 Dresses). And the tagline is shit: "Some stories just keep on growing"? I assume that means she lies about being pregnant and the lie gets out of control. Still, it's simply awful. And what's with the glow around Lohan? Is it a crystal meth sort of afterglow?

x Lindsay Lohan
x Too yellow
x Too much Photoshopping
x Shit tagline

Alternate tagline: "So hilarious it's a miscarriage of justice!"

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